Posts tagged choices
MINIMALISM// Decluttering non-material stuff and sitting with discomfort.

While Minimalism can clear your slate in terms of having fewer belongings; your life, time, and energy can easily and silently be filled back up by other “stuff” just as quickly if you don’t declutter this stuff the same way you would material possessions.

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DONATING CLOTHES// There is No Somewhere Else

When I started writing about why donating clothes is not sustainable without introspection and change, I got asked “what do you suggest that I do with older clothes that I’ve had before I went zero waste?”

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VANCOUVER LANDFILL// The Happiness Placebo. Our rate of consumption is not sustainable.

We’re sold the message that when we get the right stuff, job, clothes, relationship, we'll be happy. If this were true and stuff held intrinsic happiness, we wouldn't need to keep buying, and producing. Because once you got the thing you’d have happiness forever, you wouldn't need more.

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