Posts tagged donate
VANCOUVER LANDFILL// The Happiness Placebo. Our rate of consumption is not sustainable.

We’re sold the message that when we get the right stuff, job, clothes, relationship, we'll be happy. If this were true and stuff held intrinsic happiness, we wouldn't need to keep buying, and producing. Because once you got the thing you’d have happiness forever, you wouldn't need more.

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CLUTTER AND ZERO WASTE// The Hidden Benefits of Letting Go

I started refilling coffee in reusable jars not because of Zero Waste, but because I needed a solution for my clutter problem…Keeping stuff you don’t need or want, because you’re worried about what will happen to it, doesn’t solve wastefulness…

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CREATE AN INTENTIONAL WARDROBE// How do you want to feel?

Have you ever put something on from your own closet and felt like you were wearing someone else’s clothes? Or when something fits perfectly, but it just makes you feel a little off or uncomfortable, but you don’t really know why?

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