SIMPLICITY// We Only Get So Much Time. Are You Using Yours?

Quote image reading “simplicity” in a Black font on a White background. For Life Made Light.

Simplicity is about making time. We only get a certain amount of hours, it's not limitless as we sometimes feel it is. Every time we are annoyed or feel frustrated, when there is an inconvenience that changes how we intend things to happen, this is transient. These trivial things: spilling coffee, running awkwardly for the bus, putting your keys into a specific lock, missing an appointment- will only happen a certain number of times. And these human things can become nostalgia in hindsight.

Our lives in these present bodies are finite. Simplicity becomes about intentionally creating your life, designing it so that your time and allotted energy can be used consciously, directed like a playground slide. What kind of experience do you want? Can you drop something that’s needlessly dragging you down? (emotionally, habitually, physically)

When each day turns to month, turns to years, moments make your life. On a smaller scale it breaks down to the present, each minute, each breath- grains of sand in a beach.

How each breath comes together is how your life comes together.

With a daily grind it becomes easy to forget amazing- take being alive for granted. Mundane things, like opening your apartment with a specific set of keys is finite. What is present becomes past. In our future we may become nostalgic for these moments- what once seemed banal. For it truly is fleeting even when it seems as though it isn't.

If something happens that’s not “positive” can you still see it with gratitude as an everyday miracle? That being alive is pretty cool.

If you didn’t perceive your time to be limitless would you do things differently- choose to feel a new perspective, decide to be happier? Actually feel what it feels like to inhale a breath into your body, in this moment? Be present for your life?