Life Made Light

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The combination of minimalism and yoga for me has been a beautiful opening. It’s about continually looking at how I’m showing up and acknowledging where I still need to grow. Everytime I’m able to clear something away that I’ve been holding onto, a layer softens, and I am more able to connect and love the different spaces of my heart, even through discomfort.

And these things; the ways we hold on, grasp and tighten, are what get in the way of connection, compassion and love; with ourselves, with others, with our body or breath, and gratitude for beauty in the present moment.

Every time you practice it’s a different experience, and as long as you stay open or have the willingness to try, you’re shown what needs attention. And if you show up from a place of truth and authenticity, the courage is not in the outcome or external result, but in the rising, rising to yourself and being true.

We can find our identity in staying busy, or experience validation through how we perform at work or in relationships, but if these things fall or don't turn out in an affirming way, will we still feel good enough?

If we tie our worthiness to other people, or the success of our accomplishments, we’re never going to be ok with ourselves as we are, imperfect and in progress. And our relationships with others will ultimately suffer because no one can fill the space in yourself that you need to fill with your own love. In other words, if we’re looking to feel happy or complete through anything outside ourselves that relies on the approval or validation of something external then we’ll never be good enough, love ourselves, or feel peace and contentment.

Loving ourselves at all times, even when we disappoint ourselves or others, is about how you come back and support your heart in the midst of a fall. To say "its ok, you did your best, I’ve got you." It’s not the outcome that matters, but that you’re trying, showing up with your whole heart even if it’s imperfect and messy. To love yourself so deeply, where it doesn't matter what’s going on outside of yourself, because your love fills you from the inside.

Close your eyes, put your hands on your heart and breathe.